Om MediYoga

Mediyogans mission är att genom forskning och klinisk utvärdering skapa en reglerad och kvalitetssäkrad yogaform för svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

Mediyoga är utformad utifrån den tantriska yogatraditionen som är en av de äldsta former av yoga människan känner till. Mycket inspiration har hämtats från kundaliniyoga likväl som från ayurveda, den mångtusenåriga läkekonsten, samt med komponenter från traditionell kinesisk medicin. Allt förpackat och strukturerat för att kunna utföras i terapeutiskt syfte.

Mediyoga är utvecklad under kliniskt och terapeutiskt arbete med människor på flera hundra svenska arbetsplatser sedan 1997. Detta yogiska system är också utvecklat utifrån resultaten av hundratals vetenskapliga studier över hela världen på olika former av yoga, bland dem ett växande antal svenska studier.

Kärnan i Mediyoga är att skapa ökad balans fysiskt, mentalt och emotionellt.

Mediyoga kan definieras som en form av body-mind-träning, en helhetsträning som stillar sinnet, ökar kroppsmedvetenheten och balanserar kroppens nerv- och hormonsystem men som också bidrar till ökad rörlighet, flexibilitet och styrka. Mediyogan är inte en yogaform med fokus enbart på det fysiologiska utan på alla aspekter av människan som energivarelse, på helheten.

Mediyogan har utvecklats av Göran Boll som också startade Mediyogainstitutet i Stockholm och arbetat med yogaterapi sen mitten av 1990-talet.

Mediyoga har introducerats för 10 000-tals anställda på flera hundra av Sveriges största arbetsplatser. Över 2 500 instruktörer och mediyogaterapeuter har utbildats sen starten. Idag används mediyoga på över 250 svenska sjukhus och vårdcentraler i vården.

Det bedrivs ständigt forskning vid stora forskningscentra och sjukhus, så som Karolinska institutet och Danderyds sjukhus, på mediyoga som är den mest utforskade yogaformen i Sverige.

About mediyoga

Medical Yoga (MediYoga) is a swedish-developed and therapeutic form of yoga that suits everyone including people with physical or psychological limitations  established in Stockholm. It has its origins in classic Kundalini yoga and started to take shape as early as 1998, when an initial partnership project was launched with the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. This consisted of a study of what yoga could offer for patients with chronic back pain. Many different studies have been undertaken since then involving Medical Yoga and its effects on various patient groups and medical disorders in general. These studies have shown measurable effects on back and sleep problems, high blood pressure, ventricular fibrillation, various emotional problems and other disorders. Since then, Medi Yoga has participated in more than 90% of the scientific research on yoga in Sweden.

In a Medi Yoga class we work with a mix of gentle breathing techniques, physical exercises, vibrations and sounds, rest and meditation that have been researched in Sweden and internationally. It’s a soft meditative but also powerful form of yoga with a deep impact on both mind and body. Medi Yoga sees the human being from a holistic point of view – body, mind and soul energy. During a yoga session, we work specifically with breathing techniques and exercises addressing the underlying energy system, as described by Kundalini yoga, Ayurveda, and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Scientific research is increasingly showing that stress in its various forms is the underlying cause of most of what we call illnesses and that powerful tools are needed to re-establish and maintain balance in our lives. Many people cannot cope with the changes and demands placed on them, both as a society and as individuals. Today, there is a major need for more comprehensive holistic solutions.
Medi Yoga is a holistic method that works harmoniously with the healthcare system. It is a very powerful tool in combating stress, burn out and other imbalances and it is simple to use. The goal is to create body awareness that connects the mental and physical aspects and allows self- healing to take place. Medical Yoga can help you gain greater consciousness, stability, calm and harmony along with numerous other health benefits.

You choose whether you want to do the exercises on a chair or on a yoga mat. Medi Yoga’s proven effects require a certain repetition and rhythm, and therefore we always follow a certain “recipe” that includes tuning in, long deep breathing, physical exercise, relaxation, meditation and tuning out. The class includes breathing and concentration exercises, sounds (mantras) and physical movements.

Medical yoga is currently offered at more than 289 hospitals and healthcare centers in Sweden within the range of different categories such as stress / fatigue, psychiatry, cancer care, elderly care, heart / vascular and palliative care, etc.

MediYoga is also used as health care training for example at SVT, the Swedish Televison company, at SR, the Swedish Radio company, at The Stockholm University of the Arts, and  the pharmaceutical manufacturer AstraZeneca.

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